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Integrating with Salesforce, Pipedrive, and HubSpot

For many customers a logical starting point for Sanctions checks is their CRM system. This makes completely sense as most business relationships begin even before any transaction or customer onboarding process happens.

Thorsten J Gorny
December 16, 2021

Choose your Integration / Workflow Tool

No-code or Low-code is the latest and greatest in tech - helping create digital processes much more simple and much faster to develop. For most processes, things come down to a "If this than that" logic and luckily we have quite some powerful tools and apps available that can help us without the need of any coding skills. Some of the most popular workflow/automation tools are Zapier, Integromat and many more among more Enterprise-focused tools such as Appian or ServiceNow. The choice comes down to cost-effectiveness, feature set and scalability. For the following examples, we use Zapier and Integromat.

Define your Workflow

For the following examples we define a very simple workflow:

  • A new person gets added to the CRM system 
  • This person will then be checked against our API (based on First and Last Name > of course this can be more complex with Fuzzy Search parameters or additional data fields)
  • If there are any results it will send out an email to the responsible compliance team or officer with the search query / string and the match results 

Of course, this is an over-simplified compliance case management process but might be sufficient for especially smaller organizations. But with these tools there are even much more complex processes possible. For example, before a name gets checked against our API you could check whether the name is not on a 'white list' (for example a Google Sheet or Excel Sheet) or add all matches to a Google Sheet as simplified proof for your audit trail. The sky is your limit..

How to Create a simple Sanctions Match Email Notification Workflow with Zapier and

  1. You need a Zapier subscription (starts at $9 per month)
  2. Our Zap has four steps: 
    a) Check if there is a new person created in Pipedrive (Example for integrating with Pipedrive, but can be with any other CRM system)
    b) Perform the API call to the API and check the First and Last Name against the database
    c) If there is a match send an email with the search query and results to a predefined email address

3. Set up your connection to Pipedrive (or any other CRM system) by just selecting the Trigger Event "New Person"

4. Set up the API call in the Webhook step as a "GET" action: (See our " Get started with" article on our Knowledge Base.)

5. After this just add a "Condition" step for when the API response contains more than zero data records:

6. As a last step just define the email you want to be sent out with the result of the Sanctions check:

More Complex Workflows

Of course, the workflow example above is very simple but it might serve the needs of especially smaller organizations. 

The great thing with tools like Zapier and Integromat is that only the sky is the limit - and you can map out much more complex workflows, for example:

  1. Only perform Sanctions checks for non-whitelisted Business Partners
  2. Record all matches in a GSheet or Excel sheet with the original search query and results
  3. Create a case for a matched record in Case Management Tools such as ZenDesk etc.
  4. You could even build a full case management system with status flagging etc. (especially Integromat shines here for more complex processes).

Read here Part 2 of this article with an example of a more complex screening process using Pipedrive and Integromat.


Please find the templates for the example above right here:

New Sanctions Screening Guide
Download our FREE Sanctions Screening Guide and learn how to set up an effective sanctions screening process in your organization.
Thorsten J Gorny
Thorsten is Co-founder & CEO of He has worked for more than 15 years in the tech industry with focus on bringing ideas to life, and building great teams and products. At he is mainly responsible for Business Development, Growth and Strategy.
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